Village Council Meeting Calendar

The village council has officially approved the schedule for the regular business meetings for 2024. We kindly request that you take the time to review this calendar carefully. We would like to let you know that it is important to familiarize yourself with the dates of these meetings as your presence and participation are highly valued. Please make sure to mark these dates in your personal calendar to ensure your attendance. This schedule represents not just a series of meetings but an opportunity for collaborative decision-making and community involvement, making your participation crucial for the effective functioning of our village council.

The Corwin Village Council in Warren County, Ohio, will conduct its regular business meetings on the following dates in 2024:

Monday, January 8th
Monday, February 12th
Monday, March 11th
Monday, April 8th
Monday, May 13th
Monday, June 10th
Monday, July 8th
Monday, August 12th
Monday, September 9th
Monday, October 14th (Columbus Day)
Monday, November 11th (Veteran’s Day)
Monday, December 9th

The Council’s meetings will take place on the specified dates, except that meetings may be canceled in cases of inclement weather, absence of a quorum, or other emergencies. Should a cancellation occur, notice will be prominently displayed at the Township building and on the town’s official website,

The council meetings are scheduled to commence at 7:00 p.m. on the specified dates. These meetings will be held in the meeting room of the Wayne Township Administration Building, located at 6050 North Clarksville Road, Waynesville, Ohio.